The history of Idrofoglia Safety System, company leader in the production of fire fighting units according to the european standard, started and is closely linked to the Montefeltro. All the companies of the Epta Group in fact are located in this central area in the hinterland of Pesaro, in which 4 regions of the central part of Italy match: Marche, Emilia Romagna, Toscana and Umbria. This mix of landscapes, customs and habits that are so close and so far as well, is the distinctive feature of this land. The awareness of the preciousness of the environment brings all the companies of Epta Group to comply with eco-friendly behaviours. The environment preservation is a categorical imperative and that means to work in accordance with the current laws and totally respecting the surrounding nature. This is a treasure that has to be preserved and granted unchanged in all its splendour and with its inestimable value to the future generations.